Kimball Environmental
projects are a
collaborative effort that combines applied scientific and economic
research, community outreach, on-site restoration, and the development
of long-range conservation and management strategies and tools.
Stormwater Pond Restoration
Creative solutions that facilitate restoration of impared waters.

Nutrient Removal - Stormwater Ponds
Our team has developed an innovative side-stream based filtration system
that utilizes a proprietary phosphorus removal filtration media and
delivery design. Our Ultra-PhosFilter system design focuses on capturing
phosphorus upstream at its source.
Removal Services
Projects address such
diverse resource concerns as sediment removal, native species
restoration, irrigation efficiency, and improvement of in-stream flow.
All projects involve public-private partnerships and engage local
communities, demonstrating proven restoration practices, and leveraging
significant resources to benefit the watersheds.
Geotechnical Engineering and the Geological
We can provide
geotechnical services for all aspects and phases of your projects
including site exploration, site characterization, laboratory testing, engineering analyses,
and geotechnical support during construction.
Ecological Studies
Restoration services
also include upland
and wetland ecological studies, wildlife assessments, endangered and
threatened species permitting and relocation, wetland delineation,
wetland permitting, wetland mitigation design, upland and wetland
habitat enhancement and restoration and DRI studies.

Stormwater, industrial effluent, dams, diversions and other
human uses such as grazing and logging have significantly altered the
character of many of our nations rivers and lakes, radically changing
flow patterns, channel topography, vegetation and habitat for aquatic
In support of efforts to preserve water quality and
riparian habitat, our scientists from a variety of disciplines are
applying their expertise to advance the fundamental science, tools and
techniques of watershed restoration.
Sediment Removal
Species Restoration
Irrigation Efficiency
Improvement of
In-Stream Flow
Upland and
Wetland Ecological Studies
Endangered and
Threatened Species Permitting
Endangered and
Threatened Species Relocation
FFWCC Authorized Gopher Tortoise
Mitigation Design
Upland and
Wetland Habitat Enhancement and Restoration
Development of
Regional Impact (DRI) Studies.