Kimball Environmental
is proud to team with
Treatment Environments

Stormwater Management Experts
Staff has over 50 years of industry experience and has published in the
stormwater management field. The application of expertise to our
GREEN stormwater management
technology provides cutting-edge solutions for water management.
Design Stormwater As
Integrated Water Systems
Working with owners, architects, engineers, or landscape architects, the
staff at STE specify solutions for water management and develop cost
estimates. Concept drawings and layouts result. Many other interactions
also occur, such as, permit applications, and sub consultant and trade
New Technologies
STE has unique research and development capabilities that are used to
solve integrated water use problems.
Pollution Control Media
Developed by STE, this pollution control media has several applications
from septic tank drain fields and green roofs to retention ponds. Our
media, which consists mainly of recycled materials, will treat your
stormwater to help you meet TMDL standards. There are various mixes for
pollution control materials that are best applied for different
objectives, such as, phosphorus control, sediment control, acid
neutralization, water retention, and nitrogen control. Our products have
been used for green roofs, retention ponds, septic tank drain fields,
and as a sub base for pervious materials. We will work with mixing
plants to provide under our supervision the mix for the particular
Integrated Irrigation System
STE will be able to design your Green Roof cistern and irrigation
system to accommodate all of your irrigation needs! Our system will
allow you to reuse stormwater and some gray water sources for irrigation
purposes, which translates to a reduced dependence on municipal water
method for land use
Our designers will work with you to
determine how to most efficiently maximize your land value! Since STE
solutions reduce or eliminate the need for more expensive ponds, it will
enable you to use this valuable land for other profit-maximizing